Welcome to Reception

The Reception year is an exciting one, during this time we aim to ensure that your child will develop a love of learning they will carry with them for the rest of their school life. We will provide a nurturing and exciting learning environment to give all our children the opportunity to grow and develop into happy and confident learners.

We provide a balance of both adult led and child initiated learning activities that are engaging and planned with a multi-sensory approach.

We will ensure that:

·         there are strong links between home and school

·         children are exposed to enrichment activities such as forest school experiences, visitors to school and trips

·         there are focused activities to extend children’s learning and at their own pace

·         children are supported to develop skills and knowledge within the curriculum

·         children are nurtured and supported to develop their personal and social skills

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on: office@moathallprmary.academy or our EYFS Manager Mrs Bradford emmabradford@moathallprimary.academy